Damu imekataa

Disclaimer : Random. Very very random.

So I’ve bumped into some people lately who have just rubbed me the wrong way. If you know me at all, you know that I never ‘bump into’ people except online. So bumping into people generally means I found a new blog, or chatmate.

Thing is … I’m an instant-impressions person. So when the insta-reaction is bad, that’s it for you, tunaishana friends. Yes, I know it is ridiculous to make such a judgement based on a blog or chat-versation, but yeah. I read people, their words, their actions, their blogs, their ‘vibe’. And I make conclusions which are sometimes right. Okay, 65% of the ‘sometimes’, I am right.

A few times I have shelved said impressions for future review. Same results. Hmm. And when said impression is bad, I will rack my brains for ages to find a valid reason. Note that I do not say a right reason, true reason, fair reason or even factual reason. I say a valid reason. My dislike has to make sense to me, even if it doesn’t [ever!!] make sense to anyone else.

So you, yes you, I am watching you. And I am racking my brains. Just saying. So far, I haven’t come up with anything, but I am racking.

Now don’t be paranoid me lovelies, I don’t mean any of you. Ignore me, I am in rant mode. It’s the milk. I’m lactose intolerant and I gorged myself with four very milky tablets of weetabix last night 🙂

What was I saying?

There’s this song by Nakaaya called Matatizo. Yes, that one. The first time we saw that song, well, we were … how-you-say … blank? No, that’s not a censored word. It just means I was quite literally, blank. That doesn’t happen very often, and I find it quite disturbing. I mean, for Pete’s sake, my thoughts generally race about aimlessly at several-hundred-kph. So having no thoughts at all is stress!! Hence my fear of yoga.

Which is why when I meet a person, online or off, and they make no impression, I get even more bugged than the people I dislike on sight. It’s so weird!! How can I meet you and just go blank?!

Sometimes it’s more of a delayed reaction, but in such cases what I feel is not blankness, it’s indifference. I don’t like or dislike you, you’re just there. And that can go either way. Indifference has – in two cases – grown to an uncharacteristic affection which I still don’t understand. But there you have it, I rarely question my affection. Just my distaste. Though in one case, what began as distaste has turned into a beautiful friendship. You know yourself, mobs of twugs and etc. headed your way.

Conversely [heehee] one other thing is disturbing me. Certain of my intimates are … morphing, at least in my mind. I’m not sure what it is, but I suspect the Carolina factor. See, in school, there was this girl called Carolina [well actually, there were about 12 of them, since apparently all babies born in Mater in 1981 were named Paul, Pauline, John, or Joanne. Being a catholic school, the Caros were many.]

So. Carolina. I was pretty much indifferent to her. I didn’t bother her, she didn’t bother me. We occasionally shared oxygen. But one day, in the way women often do, my pal took a haterade on Carolina. I’m not sure what exactly she had against the girl, but she enumerated several annoyances, including Carolina’s voice. I told my friend she was being a b***h and walked away. But every day after that, I noticed the things that had been listed. They were all true, especially the voice, and I gradually grew to dislike Carolina. Sigh.

Back to today, a trusted pal has gone haterade on my intimates, and I told them to go dog elsewhere. But I am slowly beginning to notice the peeves, and drifting away from said intimates. And it’s not fair! **pout** I need to stop being so bloody judgemental. And to find a cure for Carolina.

Anyway, back to Matatizo. We were both blank, and we tried to voice our … blankness with words. But the nature of blankness is … er … well … it’s blank. So after a few hms and huhs and inarticulate sounds of confusion, we looked at each other and grinned.

Then he stared back at the screen with this look on his face, did a little SMHW gesture and said ‘Matatizo kweli.’ Every once in a while, I think of Nakaaya, and the gesture, and the look on that boy’s face, and I burst into uncontrollable giggles. So if you ever see me giggling for no reason, chances are ni Matatizo.

Oh, so I went snooping about those INFJ sites and found out that my favourite author, Emily Bronte, is INFJ. Yay!! I had no idea. Explains why I feel her work so much. At least that’s one INFJ that I adore. I don’t like her poetry though, it’s kinda … you know … blank. I love her one novel though, Wuthering heights. I have two copies and I read them over and over and over. She fell sick, wrote it, finished it … and died. Oops.

And I’m still wondering why I’m averse to the few INFJs that I know [apart from Emily of course] Weird. Very weird.

And another thing. I use and too much. No, that wasn’t the thing. The thing was this. I know some people to be very perceptive. They see things, they know things. So it bugs me no end when things that are obvious to me are opaque to them. I mean you’re supposed to be really smart about stuff like that, so why aren’t you seeing this? Either I am dim, or you are not as smart as I thought you were … which makes me dim for thinking you were so smart … either way, I am dim.

Or maybe I am a better picker of friends than i realise, and have surrounded myself with angels who only see the good in people while I [mostly] only see the bad. So I have my very own collection of angel-bots … and pretty geeks. Yay! I like this version better 🙂

I am soooo happy today. I need to make this permanent. And I will. Somehow. I don’t know how yet, but I will. Yay and Amen 🙂

For more information on 3CB, click here.

These words

I’ve heard people talk about empaths, people who can allegedly absord emotions from around them. Like if they walk past you and you’re sad, they instantly join in, without really know how or why.

I don’t know about that, but I know that I feel people’s pain. When people I care about are hurting, I feel debilitated. I want to help them somehow, and I rack my brains to make them feel better. Actually, even when I read a book or a soap and someone is abused or mistreated, I feel their pain and get upset for hours. I’ll watch a rape scene in a movie and I’ll be burdened for ages, even if I know it’s only fiction. It’s why I can’t stand sappy country music.

The strange thing is I don’t necessarily want to fix the root of the problem. I just want the person to feel better so that I can stop being sad. Shallow and self-serving? Yes. I’m not proud of it, but there it is – I don’t like being sad.

It’s like when I freeze. Two times in my life, in emergencies, I have gone stone. It was about 5.00 a.m, dark, and my roomate’s kettle was on fire. It had been switched on with no water inside. I was sitting there watching as the filament glowed red, emitting some sickly smoke, then burst into flame. My head was clearly stating my options ‘electric fire, don’t use water. You can use soil, go outside and get some. No, it’s too far, and the door is locked. Use a blanket.’

Yet as these thoughts ran through my head, all I did was sit and stare. Then some out-of-body voice, which sounded a lot like me, gently called my roomate’s name and calmly, quietly [my voice is rarely calm or quiet] told her that her kettle was on fire. She jumped up in a second and dowsed the flame with a blanket, then turned and asked me why I froze.

Another time I was watching my nieces swim in the baby pool when another kid jumped into the big pool … and proceeded to drown. My mind was belting out instructions – I’m a very good swimmer. Instead I sat there and stared alternately at the baby and at the parents, willing them to notice what was going on. Thankfully, they did. The kid lived.

Now that I think about it, one time, when we were little, we were playing in the pool. It was a girls vs boys water-basketball game, and the boys were being pretty sneaky. So when I tripped over something, and saw that it was a boy hiding underwater, I got mad at this sneaky new trick and wondered how he could hold his breath so long. Turns out it was a baby who had drowned. It was 5 minutes before anyone saw him and pulled him out. He survived, but I never stopped blaming myself for that.

I felt somewhat redeemed recently when I was giving Princess a swimming lesson and she panicked, pulling us both under. Somehow I managed to get us to safety. I have never been afraid of dying, except when I think of what will happen to my baby when I’m gone. And especially that one day when she asked me “Mummy, what will happen to me if you be dead? I don’t want you to be dead.” She was four at the time.

But in that moment, sinking in a pool with my child’s arms pulling us both down and our lungs screaming for air, I was terrified. Not by death, but by the thought that my baby was dying and I couldn’t save her.

The adrenalin from that moment got us out safe, and nobody even noticed what had happened. But I was too shocked to do anything but hold her with my arms shaking and say again and again “Never ever do that. ever.” She forgot about it within minutes, but I was haunted for days.

I get that same feeling everytime she’s sick. My world stops, I can’t think straight, I can’t concentrate on work, everything happens in slow motion. I walk around the house aimlessly doing nothing in particular, I stand in one spot staring into nothingness and zoob in half-sentence as I give the mboch instructions on medication. I go fully nutcase even if all my baby has is a fever. I don’t know why I’m writing all this.

My friend is sad now. Her friend is in hospital, and is in a really bad way. I guess she feels how I feel when my baby is sick. I don’t know what to do. I have sent hugs her way, cracked silly jokes, tried to get her to smile, but I can’t fix it this time, coz the only thing that will make her better is for her friend to heal. Which means I am stuck being down. Crud.

I don’t know how to respond to grief. When my intimates are sick, I bring medicine, crack jokes, leave. Because if I stick around, I’ll get sad, and I don’t want to be sad. At funerals … well, I avoid them, first. And when I can’t, I look for some corner where people are pigaing stories [there’s always one] and stay there, basking in the cheer.

I stay away from the corpse for two reasons. One, I feel detached – I can’t relate the stiff thing lying there with the person I knew and cared about. The distancing gets so bad that I can’t recognise the corpse. I look at it and think some prankster must have switched the bodies. And when I get that thought I want to pull a giggaloop.

The second reason I avoid hearses is that dead things freak me out. So much so that I don’t want to poison the rat, coz then I’ll have to carry its dead body out of my house. Yes, the rat is back.

Apparently, I am a freezer. I freeze when people are ill or in pain. People say ‘pray for me’ and I’m thinking what do I pray? Do I pray ‘Thy will be done?’ Do I pray ‘get better soon?’ Is that even a valid prayer? Does prayer work in messes like these? Or is it simply for comfort, for the Holy Spirit to show us he’s with us no matter what? If God wants the person to get better, they will, whether I want them to or not. So do I help by praying for their health?

So many times I pray for God to keep my baby safe form kidnappers and paedophiles and rapists, but do my prayers really make a difference? All those babies that are hurt every day – what happened? Did their parents forget to pray? Did mine? Does God love all those violated babies any more or less than he loves mine?

Back to the point, all I want is for my people to cheer up so that I can stop being sad. So I pray “thy will be done, and God give them strength’. Which does not necessarily mean the person will get better.

As these thoughts ran through my head, I played Natasha Beddingfield’s song on spin-cycle.

These words are my own, [well, technically, they aren’t, they’re Natasha’s] from my heart, That’s all I’ve got to say, can’t think of a better way.

I hope my friend feels better soon, I don’t think my words will do her much good.

For more information on 3CB, click here.

Not again!


So yeah. New crush. That makes three … four … five at the moment. Sigh.

I really don’t know what my problem is. It only happens when I’m single though. I mean for the first fifteen years of my life, I only had eyes for one boy – until I saw him smoking.

And while I was with Baba princess, let’s just say lots of Shemar-Moore-types got jiggy before me and I felt nothing. He liked to play this game where he’d dare his friends to hit on me [behind my back] just to see me shoot them down, and those boys were cute. And rich. One boy came up to me talking sweet and dangling his Passat. I looooove the Passat. I felt nada. My hormones are that loyal.

But when I’m pending, the crushes come fast and hard. Trouble is I have [finally – phew!!] learnt not to confess them, even though my intimates can read me like a book with a really big font, so they always know. And then a lot of times the crushes are on pals and confidantes who I end up falling for. So I will tell Boy B about my crush on Boy A, then I will go to Boy A and confess I melt everytime Boy B touches the keyboard. I am so lame.

The result is that neither A nor B takes me seriously because, well I have a crush on someone else. And because I tell them about a new crush every day. I suppose it’s because I’m restless, so with so many pretty boys to zone in on, my love-jacket wanders. While it is wandering, no boy feels secure enough to take a shot coz he thinks in five days I’ll have moved to a new crush anyway. Tsk tsk. As if boys didn’t already have enough reasons to shy away.

Irony is that if any one of the five reciprocated, the rest would poof from my c-zone like mummies unravelled. Of course they don’t know that, so on the odd chance that any of them actually has more-than-pally feelings for me, they will not risk being attached to this flighty girl that falls at the drop of a g-talk chat-alert. Sigh.

Oh well.

But then … does this stuff actually happen in real life? I mean in the romance novels and movies there’s always some best-friend-boy who is secretly in love with his gal-pal. And I fall for my gentlemen friends all the time. But do boys in the real world actually fall for their female friends? I don’t mean those random moments of lust when you discover she’s a C-cup, I mean true, genuine, honest-to-goodness falling for your best friend. Does this ever happen to guys?

♫ Prayer for you ♫ Texas ♫