… or at least I was when I started this post several hours ago. Now, not so much, but hey.
Also, this post is rated. You have been warned.
So this gentleman here referred me here for reasons that will remain relatively undisclosed. Suffice it to say that it suffices to say where I obtained said info.
Now. First, I am of the straight persuasion, and my flavour of choice is one six-foot-three vanilla sailor that I love to bits. I also have a passing attraction to several of the other Ks in question.
I have no issue with gays lately, perhaps I have grown up or made peace with the bill of rights. For whatever reason, I am accepting the LGBTQs. Don’t ask me to spell that out, I’m not even sure the letters are correct. I’ll google it later.
Second, I am a firm advocate of beauty in women. I know a pretty girl when I see one, and I fully comprehend they who drool at Megan Fox. Jamani the woman is hot. But that said, I am not really the curious type, bi or otherwise.
The only thing I wonder about is the appeal. What is it about girl-on-girl-action that makes boys so crazy? And why is it such a thousand-dollar show when a chick goes DIY?
I asked the pretty boy that I adore and he suggested I google it. I laughed, then did as he said.
According to this it is simply the lure of the unattainable – the guys are attracted to GOGA because they are not directly involved.
Also, projection. Dude can picture himself in the space between. Eh … yeah.
My pretty boy and I bounced ideas around and found a few more … possibilities. I for one think it’s about exclusivity. I mean, when one guy is watching two girls, he is the only male available, so technically, it’s like a harem. Technically. Kind of like polygamy, but without the gamy.
I figure it’s also a visual thing. I mean, ngingi takes part largely in the brain. The body parts are just the puppet strings. Hence wet dreams et al. So if your mind is stimulated enough, your body responds accordingly. With GOGA, the mind is stimulated without the [exhausting] burning of calories. It’s the ultimate shortcut. Better than XTV.
I suppose the same applies to DIY, coz he can see himself shadowing the … er … movements. I hear some girls like to watch guys too though I can’t think why. But then again, I prefer to have the lights off, so hey.
Ok … that’s enough for today, yes? Time for a glass of brrr.
♫ Nitapitia baadaye ♫ Abbas Kubaff aka Doobiez ♫