So Sasha Black got sick. I went galivanting on Limewire and grabbed a few Worms while I was there. Squiggly little things. As a result, I had to format Sasha. But the CD that I have was missing two files: shell sth sth and RM. Cast. No, it’s not a conscious pun; it’s pretty good though.

Anyway, thanks to the missing files, installation couldn’t be completed. Since I have no friends here and Twiggy blew me off twice, I asked K1 to mail me a CD from Nairobi. He did, but the couriers lost it, denied losing it, talked mbaya, put off their phones, and eventually found my CD … 7 days later.

So I formatted. Initiated password and … forgot password. So I formatted again. Then I got on Limewire to find my Ally Mcbeal soundtrack and … heard the familiar neighing sound. So I formatted again. And this time I went hunting in torrent but … wait, that’s the next twighap. This one at ends at 3.00 a.m after formatting three times, then accidentally losing my itunes and…

Twighap number β: How I lost my itunes

It was a dark and stormy night and Little CB was walking drowsily in twitterland, typing in her sleep and trying to install lost programmes. Suddenly, she stumbled on a folder called Realplayer. It was really pretty with this great big S on it’s shirt, just like Superman. She tapped it. Nothing happened. So she tapped it twice.

This realplayer wasn’t a realplayer at all, it was a Storm Codec. A very mean one at that. The Storm Codec promptly messed with her Itunes 9 by downgrading Quicktime to a 6. CB didn’t realise this, and wondered why her Itunes gave an error message every time she turned it on.

Eventually, after 7 different install-uninstall sagas, she realised her mistake and decided to uninstall the Storm. But alas, it was not over, for the Storm took with it Quicktime, and now Itunes wouldn’t work at all. So Little CB went hunting for another Quicktime, or at least for another Itunes. But the net was too slow and the Apples on the page had nothing but pips and cores. Kinda like a webpage that’s pure html…text.

Several hours later, little CB is downloading Itunes 9 and Quicktime on the same slow connection. It has been two hours. Progress is at 62.3%…

For more information on 3CB, click here.

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