And then…?

Now, the facial

I read about a home facial at Lily and decided to get one. The steaming went well, I’d done it before. The cleanse was effective, though after rinsing off the pretty blue gel, my face felt a little dried out. Toning, not so much; my face felt a mild sting.

It’s not supposed to do that, right?

The sting was around the nose, so I assumed it was from blowing it all the time.

Then exfoliation. Ooookay, not too bad. The apricot seeds smell kinda nice. Great texture too.

Then the face mask. I used a purifying mud pack coz, you know, I’m shiny.

*blink blink*

It stings.

I mean it stings.

No, seriously, it really stings!! It’s not supposed to do that, is it?

I tried to suppress the screams. After all, siri ya urembo ni uchungu, au sio? Hence braiding, threading, waxing, tattoo-ing…

But fcuk, it STINGS!

Slight digression: Where’s the Italics shortcut on Office 2007?

Eventually the stinging stopped, and I kinda liked the teabag feeling on my eyes.

A few days later my face had … er … [sun?]burns … in several places. Notably the places with the sting. And the heat rash. The portions felt rough and scaly. Like industrial leather. Crud!

Turns out I have dry skin. I always thought I had oily skin coz I have blackheads and my face shines so much. I’m like organic vaseline. But after the burning and the rough scaly patches that migrated around my face for a few days, I remembered some crazy facial lady claiming I had dry skin. Hmph. Oh well, at least the stinging stopped.

This week, I switched to Bio Oil and Dry Skin products from Himalayas. So far so good. I want to try their refreshing fruitpack made specially for dry skin.

**Biting nails**

I sure hope it doesn’t sting…

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Breathe slow

So many songs are composed about breathing. It’s a reflex action that the body performs, it’s not something we even think about. Our bodies can’t forget to breathe, they’re just not built that way. So it’s interesting that we have to keep reminding ourselves to … breathe.

One of the breathing songs I like so much is by Alesha Dixon. I think it’s the chanterlude that does it for me.

… ladies never lose compoooooosure…

I’m an overthinker. I analyse everything. And I think everything can be analysed. So I find it hard to comprehend that some people do things ‘just because’. There has to be some deep-seated reason behind it, some motivation, some **insert appropriate foreign idiom here**

The weird thing is that any time I do things ‘just because’, I end up in trouble. I blame it on my Se function. It’s inferior for a reason.

Today I did something ‘just because’. It felt right, it seemed like a good idea at the time.

It wasn’t, clearly.

Oh well.

So now I am reminded of the obvious. Before I say, text, or tweet anything, I need to stop, think, breathe, count to ten.

[and possibly chant ladies never lose compooooooooosure]

Of course that will make conversations much slower … but then it will also keep my foot off my mouth. I know I’m getting into yoga, but I’m not that flexible… yet.

Someday, I shall be able to twist like a yogi, suck on my big toe and make it look good. Till then…

Breathe slow, count from one to ten with my eyes closed, cause ladies take it in and get compooooosure, ladies never lose compooooosure.

Baby girl is growing up. Slowly, yes, but I’m getting there 🙂 Not really complaining though, I’d be lost without my daily dramas. Life would just be so … booorrrriiiinnggg!

Disclaimer: Kindly ignore the rest of the song lyrics, waaaay to intense for my mood today *grin*

For more information on 3CB, click here.

I are blonde

… no relation to I R Baboon and I M Weasel. I do not like that cartoon. I would say hate, but my new … eh … mind-frame does not allow me to use the word ‘hate’.

Also, I may have joined I cult. With yoga.

I love reading Kenyan newspapers … when I’m far away from home. I buy the Nation every day, and don’t feel my day is complete until I have my copy. Never mind that they don’t arrive until at least 1.00 p.m. every day, and I don’t read them till after five when the news isn’t really news.

But lately I’ve fallen behind. I still buy my papers, but because I leave work so late, I usually pass by the Chemist [that’s where I buy them] once a week and collect the lot. Then I go home and pile them in a corner and tell myself I will read them … sometime. I now have about a month’s worth piled up.

I also love to watch CNN, Deutsche-Welle and the Beeb. Not so much Al-jazeera, but hey. About a year ago, Princess’ school bus used to come pick her up at 7.30, so our morning routine included sitting by the TV watching the 7.00 a.m. newsbriefing over breakfast.  These days, the bus comes at 6.45, so we wake up an hour earlier, shower, dress, breakfast, and once she’s safely on the bus, I proceed to work.

Consequently, I have no idea what’s in the news. Oh wait, also, when I am watching my Beeb and etc, I am generally watching Dockis and features. So if it doesn’t have a Click, I am probably not paying attention. As a result, I have no idea what is going on in the world.

I have, x number of times, made a conscious effort to read the news online. I have bookmarked Capital, the Beeb and even Nation Audio, and tried to train myself to at least skim them every morning.


So if it’s not on Hal Linday or MSN, I probably don’t know about it.

[I can’t believe Patrick Swayze is gone!!]

Today I asked a very silly question. I know that Kanye did something to Taylor Swift, and that Obama is really mad about it. So after three days of hearing attacks and bad knock knock jokes, I decided to bite the bullet and ask . What did Kanye do?

Note to self: Never ask what Kanye did. Really. Don’t.

As a certain Mrs Maina used to say, don’t expose your ignorance.

Well, at least now I know what he did.

A few minutes later I heard someone saying something about Kenyan parliament being on TV on all channels and I asked why.

Really, will I never learn?

I’m supposed to be an intellectual type chick. I should be smart about stuff like, you know, news. But then again, I am also a religious chick who rarely reads the Bible and does not like church.

I feel a little sad about it. I mean I know I’m living out my teen years. I am hyper…active, extremely moody, and my face is breaking out. I get giggly about jewellery and shoes, I have multiple crushes, and my hair is all pretty. For all intents and purposes, I am hormonally sweet sixteen.

I get my fix from bubblegum pop and have no appreciation for fusion, jazz, or neo soul. I would never read Fathers and Sons simply because it is called Fathers and Sons. I might buy The Devil wears Prada though. Yes, there’s a book. And no, I haven’t watched the movie. Speaking of which, I need to call my DVD guy.

Point is … well I don’t think there was a point. Except that I need to watch the news more. Actually, I need to watch the news period.

I hear Ted Muthusi and Steven Kanumba are on BBA4. And that they were all men, and now they are all women. Oh well, I never did get reality TV.

Now, about that cult.

Well, I am currently reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch.


I like their ideas. They make a lot of sense to me. They answer all these questions that I have always had, questions about my goal in life, my purpose, my point in being here. I was always programmed to dismiss such stuff as mumbo-jumbo psychobabble, right up there with Freud and Narcissa and Oedipus complex and Anal fetishes. So I tried very hard not to believe what I was reading. Just like I tried very hard to hate Kill Bill.

But what can I say; Tarantino is gifted, Manga is awesome, and New Age makes sense. I am happy, I am at peace, which I haven’t been in a long time. So there.

Oh, and I need to watch the news.

The End.

PS: Is there nobody who likes All the above by Maino featuring Tpain? It is such an amazing song!!

PPS: I have just received a call on my cellphone from my boss. He has requested that I dress smartly to work tomorrow because we are getting visitors from Head Office and I may have to take minutes.

I suppose he meant dress formally, since I usually go by smart casual, complete with massive silver hoop earrings and a tiny gold stud in my nose. For tomorrow, I have been asked, as an elaboration of smartness, not to wear trousers.


That is all.

And smile. I insist. *winking*

For more information on 3CB, click here.